This is a 5 minute guide to getting started with Copilots, and walks you through deploying a Copilot to Slack. For a more detailed guide, please see AI Copilots User guide.

Credal’s AI Copilots empower users to set up dedicated assistants for a wide range of use cases, from customer support to contract review.

You can think of Copilots as special-purposes AIs that you create, by specifying:

  1. An AI model
  2. Data they should use
  3. A custom prompt

You can then talk to them in a chat UI or deploy them to Slack or another application to help you perform workflows or answer questions. For example, a Slack Copilot in a channel could listen out for questions about benefits, and answer those. They combine AI with your data to provide accurate, context-aware responses, while citing their sources.


1. Create Your Copilot

To get started:

  1. From the main screen, click “Copilots” in the navigation menu:

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  1. Click “Create new copilot”, on the top right:


  2. Give your copilot a name and add a description of its function in the pop-out form. You can always come back and edit these later.

    Descriptions should be detailed enough to describe what kind of queries the copilot is responsible for.


  3. You can click on “Copilots” in your left sidebar anytime to view the full list of Copilots you’ve created or that have been shared with you.

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2. Configure the Copilot

Now your copilot is set up, Credal will automatically direct you to the configure page, where you can tune your copilot for your use case. You can return to this page to edit your settings at any time. (For a detailed explanation of all the options, please see our Detailed Copilots User Guide.)