This is a comprehensive in depth guide for Copilots. If you’re just getting started, check out Getting Started With AI Copilots.

Credal’s AI Copilots empower users to set up dedicated assistants for a wide range of use cases, from customer support to contract review.

Copilots can assist with any task that combines AI and data. They are designed to be experts on the data and context you provide. They combine AI with your data to provide accurate, context-aware responses, while citing their sources.


1. Setting up a Copilot

It’s helpful to have a good sense of what you want your copilot to do from the start, so you can set it up to achieve its objectives.

To get started:

  1. On your left sidebar, Select “Copilots”:


  1. Select the “Create new copilot” button.


  1. Give your copilot a name and add a description of its function in the pop-out form. You can always come back and edit these later.

    Descriptions should be detailed enough to describe what kind of queries the copilot is responsible for. See below on deployment.


  1. Then select “Create Copilot.”

2. Configuring a Copilot

Now your copilot is set up, Credal will automatically direct you to the configure page, where you can tune your copilot for your use case. You can return to this page to edit your settings at any time. Each section of the configuration tab is explained below:

a. Name and description